November 9, 2010 - Feet Grabbing

The last couple of days have been pretty hard...we have a cranky baby on our hands! She has been so fussy and making that whiney cry and eating a ton! She is eating 7 oz. every 2-3hrs., so it might be a another growth spurt?!? We thought she might be teething...who really knows with these babies! Thank God it hasn't effected her sleeping!

In the food department, we have tried; sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, bananas and apples. The bananas are her favorite so far!

I had a nice photo shoot with my friends baby, Ty. What a cutie! Here is the link to the video.

made it a little big but she should grow into it.

Where's Bryanna?

She was having some fun grabbing her feet on the
changing table last night so I had to capture it